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Liquid complementary feed for poultry and swine


Target area:                                      

The liquid complementary feed Spuracid is highly available source of mineral and trace element to fill drained reservoirs.

Mode of Action:                           

Limited animals resources and high performance of animals resources in modern stock-life require balanced nutrition and rapid refilling consumed resources. With its highly and rapid available minerals and trace element mixture Spuracid fulfills the needs of modern stock-life animals to prevent elementary imbalances.

Key Ingredients:                                   

Sodium, Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Potassium, Manganese, Zinc

Feed Recommendation:  

Poultry:                                               1 l Spuracid in 1000 l water

                                                           3 – 5 Days

Piglets:                                                2 - 3 l Spuracid in 1000 l water

                                                          3 – 5 Days

Feeding pig:                                         1 - 2 l Spuracid in 1000 l water

                                                           3 – 5 Days


5 l Canister